Structures Bring about Hope in Harris, Texas

Community Engineering Corps

Diginity Through Hospitality

Since 2016, Hope Center Houston has served as a safe space in the Houston area for individuals experiencing homelessness to access services such as meals, laundry, showers, life-skill classes, counseling, and more. Founded on the belief that everyone deserves access to these essential services, Hope Center has served approximately 1,000 people each year since its foundation. In 2020, they reached out to Community Engineering Corps for technical support in order to launch their latest initiative: a free dental clinic serving unhoused individuals in Houston.

The team at Hope Center Houston envisioned a space where individuals could receive comprehensive dental care, and after acquiring a 40,000 square foot building, they planned to transform the second floor into what would soon become Hope Dental Clinic. After partnering with a dental equipment company that provided conceptual floor plans and committed to the provision of dental equipment, Hope Center Houston was close to realizing its dental clinic plans but required engineering consulting and technical assistance to turn their plans into a reality.

To kick off our partnership, Community Engineering Corps stepped in to help, assembling a team of volunteers from both the EWB-USA University of Houston Student Chapter and the EWB-USA Central Houston Professional Chapter. Together, they worked to assist Hope Center Houston with permitting and developed preliminary design documents that aligned with the City’s regulations, including an architectural wall layout and fire safety plans. The volunteer team utilized their technical skills and knowledge to collaborate with the community at every step of the process. Aaron Lopez, a professional engineer, reflected on his involvement with the project, stating, This team and project have really impacted me positively… "The amount of impact this project will have on the community is crazy in my mind. It’s truly inspiring”.

No longer merely a vision, Hope Dental Clinic officially opened its doors in August of 2023. Today it ensures that access to critical dental care is available to those experiencing homelessness in the Houston area. Providing technical expertise to break through logistical barriers toward implementation is one of many ways Community Engineering Corps partners with communities to get them closer to their goals.

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To learn more about Hope Center visit their website.

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