Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is partnering with communities around the world to meet their basic human needs. We’re building footbridges to provide pathways to opportunities. We’re installing solar panels to bring light where it is dark. We’re digging for water so hope can spring from the ground. Each project builds the foundation for a community to thrive for years to come. Communities are the center, partnerships are the pathway.
“If you have come to help me you, are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
Aboriginal Activists Group | Queensland, 1970s

CREED Coalition for Racial & Ethnic Equity in Development
Why we signed the CREED pledge
EWB-USA strives to be a leader in the international development space, and as such we understand the critical importance of building racial and ethnic equality. By joining this initiative, we aim to publicly endorse and uphold these values, aligning our organization with a global community of like-minded stakeholders dedicated to responsible and impactful practices in engineering and community development.
We commit ourselves to embed these values and practices into our operating model and recognize this as a guiding principle that serves as a point of reflection and accountability for EWB-USA.
EWB-USA staff and partners from around the world all together in a group photo in Reno during the 2023 EWB-USA conference.